Friday, June 6, 2008

Forging on

Since I started the job related blog I have ignored this breathe deep blog, but really anything I accomplish in finding work or prosperity (which can be measured in many different ways) is probably due to my yogic spiritual and wellness work. I am now doing three meditations daily: the Bound Lotus, Tratakum meditation, and a prosperity meditation.

The bound lotus challenges me physically and mentally. It's kind of a pretzel situation, even though I modify it because I physically can't do it as it's supposed to be done. It's still challenging and stretches me. I'm up to 26 minutes each day. The Tratakum meditation involves gazing at a photo of Yogi Bhajan, staring into his eyes, in darkness with candles the only light. I do this for 15 minutes. This is challenging in a whole other way. My mind goes Cuh-razy! It just wanders here and there, and then I come back to that stern look on the yogi's face (or is it playful and friendly? it definitely changes) and realize I haven't been letting go of ego. Finally I do a brief prosperity meditation, chanting "Har, har" repeatedly as my hands create a circle with the sides of the hands hitting at the top and bottom.

Physically, I'm feeling much better. I lost another pound, and I'm much more dedicated to going to the gym. My food choices are better, although still not great I'm sure. This all helps to bring in prosperity and to enable me to forge onward in my day to day life.

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