Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Self discovery

The weather is beautiful to look at- the days are bright and shiny with blue skies, twittering birds, and lush greens as the foliage emerges. But the temperature is still cool to warmish--highs in the 60s. I'm ready for the full-on, 70-80 degree days of summer.

I attended two wonderful yoga events this weekend at the Guru Ram Das Ashram in Millis, Mass. The first was a full moon gong meditation event. We join together and are led through a preparatory yoga exercise set (kriya) and then we lie on our backs, covered with a light blanket or something, and just relax and experience the gong. The gong takes us to different places: some people fall asleep in a deep, dreamless restful sleep; others (me) have a trancelike experience, with some awareness of the surroundings lapsing into little dreams. And I'm sure there are other experiences as well. The whole purpose is to recharge or rejuvenate the parasympathetic nervous system.

After the gong, we are led through a series of meditations to open up the heart and connect with the energy of the (almost) full moon. Then there is time for refreshments and a little socializing before we head for home.

My spiritual name is Ananda, which means bliss. I told it to someone I met there on Saturday. People often smile when they hear my name, and that is a gift to me, but I often think what a thing it is to live up to. But in response, this person told me, "Be yourself."

I have been pondering that since. Be myself. What do I want? And what would truly make me happy so that I can keep body and soul together? The point is, don't ignore the soul. Find your bliss, Joseph Campbell used to exhort. I need to figure this out, now, at this time in my life. It just goes on and on. What a voyage we're on!

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